“STEM Armenia | November 2024” Contest


1. The first round of the November 2024 “STEM Armenia” contest will take place on Sunday, November 3rd. Three critical thinking tasks must be solved within six hours.

2. All students aged 13 to 18 studying in educational institutions in Armenia are eligible to participate.

3. Tasks will be published online on the STEMArmenia.org platform at 9:00am on November 3rd. Solutions must be submitted by 3:00pm on the same day.

4. The contest will be judged by a committee consisting of three members of the NGO “STEM Armenia” and one member of the sponsoring organization.

5. The contest is considered void if less than ten entries are submitted.

6. In case there are multiple entries from the same family members, only the first entry will be considered.

7. The contest committee reserves the right to disqualify any entry if there are obvious signs of unfair competition.

8. In the first round, up to ten winners will be selected by the contest committee based on the number of correct answers or, in the case of a tie, who submitted first.

9. The entries from Yerevan and the regions will be judged separately, with up to five winning entries from each. However, exceptions are possible in special cases.

10. The names of the winners of the first round will be published on STEMArmenia.org on November 6.

11. The winners of the first round go to the second, final round where they must prepare a presentation. The topic of the presentation will be announced after the first round.

12. The presentations will be published on STEMArmenia.org, and three of the best will be selected by the contest committee as winners of the competition.

13. The decisions of the contest committee are final and not subject to appeal.

14. Each of the three winners will be awarded a cash prize of AMD 50,000. The money will be credited to the parents’ bank account upon confirmation of the details.

In case of questions please contact the contest committee at contact@stemarmenia.org.

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Answers to the first round tasks

Task #1 (4 points)
There are 2805 X-ray sources in the image (2806 is also acceptable). This number corresponds to the current age of Yerevan.
The image has 500×500 pixels, of which 2805 are black and the rest are white. An efficient way to determine the number of black pixels is to use an image processing program or programming language.

Task #2 (3 points)
The prices are $1.07, $1.60 and $3.75.

Task #3 (3 points)
There may be different answers, for example, the sequence “10100031” in line 19 can be deciphered as “առագաստ”.

"STEM ARMENIA | November 2024" Competition | 1st Round Results

Congratulations to the winners of the first round! The competition committee has considered all applications and awarded points to each answer. Task #1 was rated a maximum of 4 points, #2 and #3 – three points, so the maximum score for the competition is 10 points.

The list of ten winners is presented below, who will advance to the second round. The tasks for the second, final round will be published on November 7.

Irma Zohrabyan1017KotaykHrazdanKh. Abovyan High School No. 1
Koryun Vermishyan813LoriStepanvanBasic School No. 1
Kamo Yergenyan815YerevanEducational School
Vladik Abrahamyan717YerevanCollege affiliated with the National University of Yerevan
Ruben Arzumanyan714YerevanPhysical and Mathematical School affiliated with the Yerevan State University
Laura Danielyan616KotaykCharentsavanM. Mashtots High School
Armine Avetisyan615KotaykHrazdanH. Orbeli High School No. 13
Nare Ordinyan516TavushYenokavanYenokavan High School
Gegham Khachatryan513YerevanArtstem College
Narek Apoyan513YerevanArtstem College

"STEM ARMENIA | November 2024" 2nd Round Task

Create a presentation on one of the 2024 Nobel Prizes. Contestants can choose from four categories: physics, chemistry, medicine-physiology, or economics, as listed below:

Physics: John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their groundbreaking work in statistical physics and artificial neural networks, laying the foundation for modern machine learning.

Chemistry: David Baker, Demis Hassabis, and John Jumper for their revolutionary contributions to protein structure prediction and design, opening new avenues in medicine and biotechnology.

Medicine: Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for their discovery of microRNAs, small RNA molecules that play a crucial role in gene regulation and human health.

Economics: Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson for their insightful research on the impact of societal institutions on economic prosperity and development.

The Task

Create a computer presentation on one of the 2024 Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine, or economics.

NameAgeRegionSchoolPresentation Link
1Irma Zohrabyan17Hrazdan/KotaykHigh School No. 1Chemistry
2Koryun Vermishyan13Stepanvan/LoriBasic School No. 1Physics
3Kamo Yergenyan15YerevanEducational SchoolPhysics
4Vladik Abrahamyan17YerevanCollege affiliated with the National University of Science and TechnologyPhysics
5Ruben Arzumanyan14YerevanPhysical and Mathematical School affiliated with the Yerevan State UniversityPhysics
6Laura Danielyan16Charentsavan/KotaykHigh School named after M. MashtotsPhysics
7Armine Avetisyan15Hrazdan/KotaykHigh School No. 13Medicine
8Nare Ordinyan16Yenokavan/TavushYenokavan High SchoolPhysics
9Gegham Khachatryan13YerevanArtstem CollegeChemistry
10Narek Apoyan13YerevanArtstem CollegePhysics

"STEM ARMENIA | November 2024" Contest Results

And so the results of the 2nd round of the contest “STEM ARMENIA | November 2024” are assessed. Each participant received a score based on the evaluations of the competition committee members and the results of the first round. The maximum possible score is 50. The table below shows the final results of the contest. Three prizes are awarded to the three participants with the highest scores. Congratulations to the winners and all participants!

Koryun Vermishyan1343Stepanvan/LoriPrimary School No. 1
Narek Apoyan1343YerevanArtstem College
Kamo Yergenyan1542YerevanEducation School
Vladik Abrahamyan1737YerevanNPU College
Ruben Arzumanyan1437YerevanPhysics and Mathematics School
Laura Danielyan1634Charentsavan/KotaykM. Mashtots High School
Nare Ordinyan1633Yenokavan/TavushYenokavan High School
Armine Avetisyan1531Hrazdan/KotaykHigh School No. 13
Gegham Khachatryan1331YerevanArtstem College
Irma Zohrabyan1729Hrazdan/KotaykHigh School No. 1
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